The Pregnancy Massage Course With More: Why Studying a Diploma of Remedial Massage is The Smarter Choice

Pregnancy can be a wonderful and transformative time in a person’s life, but it can also be tough on the body. Thankfully, expectant mothers can alleviate aches and pains and better prepare for the journey ahead with a skilled massage therapist by their side.

If you’re interested in becoming a pregnancy massage therapist, it’s important to complete a pregnancy massage course that offers specialised training in prenatal massage techniques. This will enable you to offer holistic and safe support to your clients.

To truly excel in this field and unlock the full benefits of a career in massage therapy, studying for a Diploma of Remedial Massage is a smarter long-term play. Let’s explore why.

What is a pregnancy massage?

Pregnancy massage is a form of remedial massage that is adapted to suit the needs of expectant mothers. It involves gentle, non-invasive massage techniques designed to soothe the aches and pains of pregnancy.

If you’ve ever visited a massage therapist while you’re pregnant, you’ll understand the physical and emotional relief a good massage can bring. With the right training, you can help patients alleviate muscle and joint pain, improve circulation and lymphatic flow, reduce anxiety, prepare for labour and get a better night’s sleep.

And despite what you might hear or read, the science agrees. Studies have found that massage therapy is effective in treating depression, anxiety, and pesky leg and back pains during pregnancy. It may also reduce the risk of premature birth and low birth weight, too.

Becoming a pregnancy massage therapist: What you need to know

First things first, you’ll need some specialised training to safely and effectively support the health and well-being of expectant mothers.

You’ll need to have a solid grasp of the changes that happen in a woman’s body during pregnancy – that means knowing your anatomy and physiology inside and out. You also need to be aware of any potential risks or issues that could come up during a massage, and how to handle them.

It’s just as important to understand the emotional and psychological aspects of pregnancy, like the stress and anxiety that many women experience. When you’re able to address both the physical and emotional needs of your clients, you can make a huge difference in their pregnancy journey.

Of course, you’ll need the right amount of hands-on training to harness the theoretical knowledge. Hands-on time will help you build the skills you need to perform specific techniques and safely support your client throughout each trimester.

Pregnancy massage course options

Short courses and Certificate courses

A quick Google search will turn up a handful of short courses for pregnancy massage. These courses are generally better suited to students who already hold a massage therapy qualification, and want to tack on a pregnancy specialty.

One major drawback of short courses is that they don’t necessarily provide nationally recognised qualifications, instead only offering a certificate (as opposed to a degree), which significantly limits your ability to register with health funds, provide rebates, and access insurance.

The same goes for many of the Certificate IV in massage therapy courses, which can cost up to $5,000 without funding.

The ultimate pregnancy massage course

If you want to study at the highest level and graduate with a degree, then a Diploma of Remedial Massage [HTL52021] is the superior choice.

Here’s why:

This course blends online and face-to-face training to have you job-ready in around 12 months.

  • You’ll learn everything you need to know to offer safe and effective pregnancy to your clients plus reap the benefits of being a fully qualified remedial massage therapist.
  • You can add extra skills, like dry needling and myofascial cupping, to your treatment list.
  • You can start studying with zero up-front costs if you’re eligible for VSL funding.
  • You’ll complete 200 supervised clinic hours with hands-on training to grow your practical skills and consolidate your knowledge.

Graduating with this diploma will enable you to access industry memberships and health rebates (not possible with most 100% online courses), and provide pathways to higher education in degrees such as the Bachelor of Health Science.

Watch out for hidden fees

There are some great Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy courses out there, but not all are created equal. Many providers charge additional fees for specialty units, such as pregnancy massage.

The Demi International Diploma of Remedial Massage [HTL52021] offers a number of specialties at no extra cost, including pregnancy massage.

The takeaway…

If a hands-on career nurturing pregnant women through massage interests you, the right training can get there. The choice between a short course and a comprehensive diploma comes down to your career goals and objectives.

Enroll online or reach out to one of our friendly Course Advisors who can answer your questions about massage course components, start dates, payment options and enrollment eligibility.

Picture of Pam Siddins

Pam Siddins

Pam has over 12 years of experience in Bio Energetic Synchronisation Technique and body work. She is an active member of Australian National Therapies Association and International Institute for Complementary Therapists. Pam is one of our expert trainers of Diploma of Remedial Massage at Demi International and regularly sees clients in her own business BEST Studio.

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